IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) is a unique 11-character alphanumeric code used to identify bank branches in India.
Here are the details of the IFSC code format
- The first four characters represent the bank’s name in alphabetical form. In the case of Abhyudaya Bank, the IFSC code starts with “ABHY“.
- The fifth character is always “0” and is reserved for future use.
- The remaining six characters represent the specific branch of the bank. These characters can be a combination of letters and numbers.
Here is a chart illustrating the IFSC code format for Abhyudaya Bank
| Bank Name | Reserved | Branch Code | (ABHY) | (0) | (Unique 6-character Branch Identifier)
For example, let’s consider the IFSC code “ABHY0065002” for the Abhyudaya Bank’s Abhyudaya Nagar branch.
- “ABHY” represents the bank name.
- “0” is the reserved character.
- “065002” is the unique branch code for the Abhyudaya Nagar branch.
Please note that the actual IFSC codes for different branches of Abhyudaya Bank may vary based on the specific branch location. It is essential to refer to the official sources or the bank’s website for accurate IFSC codes of specific branches.
Bank IFSC Code Format
The IFSC is an 11-character code used to identify banks and their branches in India. The code has a specific format, with the first four characters representing the bank name and the last six characters representing the branch, usually in numeric form. The fifth character is always ‘0’ and is reserved for future use.
For instance, let’s take the IFSC code for Axis Bank. The first four characters are ‘UTIB’, which denotes the bank name, and the last six characters represent the branch code, typically in numeric form.
To form an IFSC code, the first four characters indicate the bank name, and the last six characters represent the branch code. The fifth character is always ‘0’ and is reserved for future use. For example, Axis Bank’s 11-digit IFSC code starts with ‘UTIB’, indicating the bank name, and ends with six digits representing the branch code.
This is an example of how an IFSC Code is formed
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bank Name | 0 | Branch Code |